Saturday, November 24, 2012

A Day to Give Thanks!

I hope you all had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving! I know we did! We were lucky enough to celebrate with my Grandma and Uncle (Yes, even Corporal put on his best bandanna and spent Thanksgiving at Grandma's). Our menu consisted of Turkey, of course, stuffing, candied parsnips (made by yours truly!), pistachio salad, deviled eggs, mashed potatoes, noodles, green bean casserole, and for desert I brought an apple pie with cool whip! Are you mouths watering yet? After dinner we watched some football and relaxed. It was so nice to spend time with family on a day like Thanksgiving. Dan and I are so incredibly thankful for all of our family. Without them we would be lost! They are always there for us when we need them, no matter how far away we are, they are always just a phone call away. 
Once we left my Grandma's we went straight home so Dan could nap before heading to work. As long as I have know Dan I could never imagine him dealing with all the crazy shoppers of Best Buy on Black Friday. But, he did and he handled well! He had to work from 11pm to 11am! What a guy. When I went to drop him off at work, the line of tents was wrapped around the building! It was pure INSANITY! You know, I cant think of anything I want that badly. I would rather buy it full price and escape with my life and dignity. That't not saying I've never been Black Friday shopping before, but I cant remember buying anything. I was usually there to stand in line for my friends, Rachel and Kalie. Oh good times! When I picked Dan up on Friday, I could tell he was tired! Poor guy! So I dropped him off at home to sleep all day while I went back to work. So in a nutshell, that's what our Thanksgiving looked like. I know its late but, Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!

One more thing, Dan and I would like to say we are thankful for all of the military members out there, past, present, and future. Words can not explain how thankful we are for the men and women that risk their lives every day for our freedom. Thank you. 

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