Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Well if you haven't heard, we moved back to Salt Lake City! Woo hoo! It feels good to be home, breathing the not so fresh Utah air. Well, actually the air isn't so smoggy anymore so it really is nice! So here is the story of our move from The Land of Oz to our little town of Midvale; 
Dan's mom and dad were supposed to fly out to Kansas on February 21st and we were going to go to The Bass Master Classic in Oklahoma. But as my luck would have it, the weather had plans of its own. We ended up getting a little over a foot of snow the night before my in-laws flew out. Well, apparently Kansas was not as prepared as they thought they were for this monster storm. The next day all the flights were cancelled and the airport was closed. So my in-laws were not able to fly out, needless to say. The roads were horrible (to put it mildly) and our parking lot wasn't plowed until 10:30 pm. So we were stuck inside all day. Bummer! However, we did go for a walk to the gas station at about 8 pm just to relieve our cabin fever. Dan's mom and dad weren't able to fly out until the following Saturday. We spent the weekend cleaning the apartment and getting some Bass Pro shopping done. Dan's parents were supposed to fly out on  Tuesday ( I think) but what did the weather decide to do, again? That's right, we got another few inches of snow. So since they couldn't fly out, they decided to get a rental car and follow us home to Utah. So on Wednesday morning we packed up the two vehicles and we were on our way. The first day of driving really wasn't so bad. Once we left Kansas, the skies were clear and the sun was out. The roads were clear too!...Until right before Rawlins, Wyoming. There was snow blowing across the roads, patches of ice and to top it all off, semis everywhere. Dan was white-knuckle driving and my palms would not stop sweating.We stopped at a little truck stop at about 8:30 PM and had dinner and coffee. We were drained to say the least. By 10:30 we thought pulling over for sleep was a good idea. By this time Gretchyn (our cat) was coming-to after being tranquilized the entire day ( I wish you could have seen her), so I felt pulling over for some rest would be a good idea. We ended up staying at a Motel 6 that allowed animals. As soon as we got into the room everyone passed out on the beds. I let the cat out of her kennel and set up a litter pan for her. Now, if you know anything about my beloved cat, you know that she is not a fan of people. I thought she would hide under the bed all night and chill. Boy, was I wrong. She had all this energy to burn from being asleep all day. At first it wasn't so bad, she jumped on the bed and laid with Dan and I for a bit (purring super loud). She then realized there was another bed in the room with more people to pet her...Before I could leap off the bed, she had already jumped on Marilyn's pillow and was meowing in her ear. I about DIED. So I sprung up from our bed and grabbed her. It wasn't long until she discovered the night stand in between the two beds and began walking from one bed to another. This was just embarrassing. I felt TERRIBLE because everyone was so tired and here is my FREAKING cat annoying my poor in-laws. I shoved Gretchyn back into her kennel, wrapped a giant sleeping bag around the kennel and put her back in the car, and that is were she spent the night. Oh, Corporal was an angel and slept the entire time as well ;). Kill. Me. I did not sleep a wink because I tossed and turned all night thinking about what a bad mother I am for making my cat sleep in the car like some animal. Hehe, get it? Animal? So the next morning we piled back into the cars, went and had breakfast and were back on the road.There were only a few hours left until we reached home. We were back in Utah in what felt like minutes. Yay!! We arrived home at about 11:30 AM. It was so nice to get home and just sit for a minute, especially after being in a car that long. That night my Dad and Liz took us out  for dinner to celebrate Dan's birthday (which was on the 20th) and us being home. Friday was Dan's niece Shannah's, wedding shower! I was so glad I could make it in time! It was a blast! She is going to make one gorgeous bride! We went and visited my Mom and Kevin the other day, and it was sooo good to see them! We are going over to their place for dinner on Wednesday, and I couldn't be more excited! So for now we have been settling in and unpacking. fun. But not really. I had an interview yesterday at Mountain America Credit Union, and I got the job!! I am beyond excited to start working again! Dan got a call from Scheels after applying online and they want him to come in an apply in person. Oh and it's a position in the fishing department...YAY!! That's right up his alley! Things are falling into place quite nicely and we are enjoying spending time with our greatly missed families! I hope to write another post soon about my recent handmade goodies :) Thanks for keeping us in your prayers over this time! God Bless!!
I didn't take many pictures but here's Corporal, sitting in his usual "road trip spot".

This is Gretchyn hiding because she hates the world. 

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