Saturday, July 7, 2012

Beatin' the heat

I hope you all are staying cool! It has become so hard to do out here! Gah, it is soooo darn hot!! So, to stay cool, we have been doing what Dan loves to do most...FISH! Well he fishes, I swim ;). One of our favorite spots is Hillsdale lake. Its a pretty big lake that's about 30-45 minutes away. Since we are at the lake pretty much all day long, we usually bring Corporal along. And who knew he could swim?? Not us! But before you even drop him in the water, he's already kicking. So cute, right?  Here's a video:
He's pretty good at it! It's almost impossible to keep him out! 
Here's Dan half swimming half fishing :) Its easier to reach the trees this way (Which apparently is where the fish hang out). Anything to catch a fish! I forgot to mention Cabella's is doing a thing called "Fish for Millions" and if you catch a fish that has been tagged, you win a prize! Prizes include gift cards, fishing boats (Dan's dream), and a MILLION DOLLARS! So we have been fishing for that million dollar catch ;) 

This is how Corporal and I keep cool while Dan is fishing. I bought this pink tube at a gas station and I will say, it is the best investment I have made all summer! Dan even uses it to get to deeper water. I wish I had a picture of this because nothing is manlier than fishing from a pink tube ;). 
Dan and I enjoying some swimming together <3 Every now and then he takes a break from fishing. 

I don't have any pictures of our 4th of July, but we had a wonderful day! Even though it was about 104 degrees WITH humidity. We went to a celebration not too far from where we live. We got to witness 94 people become American Citizens, ON Independence Day! We watched a band play patriotic songs, ate giant turkey legs and a funnel cake! There was a musical group that was pretty good too! Then of course we watched FIREWORKS! So in all it was a fabulous 4th! We are so beyond proud to be Americans and live in a country with the freedoms that we have! Well that's all I've got for now! I hope ya'll had a wonderful Independence day as well!! God Bless <3

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