Sunday, April 15, 2012

What we're up to!

Hello friends and family!! I hope you're all doing good!! Dan and I have been so busy and just loving life! If you haven't heard, I got a full time position with the bank at a location closer to our home! Yippee! I absolutely love it! I have met so many new people and have even made a new friend. Not only am I a teller, I also work in Lockbox which is a service the bank sells to big companies like doctors offices. What I do is process all of the money received by patients and insurance companies. It's amazing learning about all the things a bank does and is able to do for their customers!

If you watch the news I'm sure you've heard about the crazy weather we have been having. The other day the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning 24 hours ahead of time. This is the first time in history that storms have been detected this early. The storms were supposed to hit Oklahoma, Southeast Kansas and Nebraska Saturday afternoon and into the evening/early morning (12AM). To prepare for the storm Dan and I gathered all of our safety stuff (flashlights, gallons of water, first aid kit, weather radio, etc.) and put it in a backpack. Good news....we didn't get hit with a tornado...phew! All it did was rain really hard off and on and the wind was blowing like crazy. So we survived our first storm watch and are prepared for this crazy Kansas spring weather.

Dan and I can't get enough of this beautiful state. We love all the greenery and the wide open spaces! Our favorite thing to do on weekends (besides fishing) is jump in the car and go for a drive out in the country. Here are some pictures from last weekends adventure...
This picture was taken at a river we came across somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
Dan's picture taking skills :)
I love exploring with my man <3

I hope you enjoyed our post, sorry its been a while. We still have yet to get internet, so be patient with me ;) We love you all and miss you!!! God bless!!

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